Beam, Living Brooch, Conceptual Project

May 2018


Many of us are constantly striving for the grand goal of "being happy". We are so lost in the search for this abstract concept that we lose sight of how much small, everyday things can contribute to our overall happiness. Studies have shown that seeing one's own smile has an incredible effect on changing our emotional state.

Beam is a wearable reminder to try and smile more throughout the day. When Beam comes into contact with a corresponding RFID chip, secretly placed by another Beam wearer, the boutonniere will react with a magical response.

Each Beam broach is sold with a corresponding card of customizable RFID chip stickers.

Each sticker can be programmed with a positive message which is transmitted to other wearers who come into contact with it. The beam website filters messages and allows only positive messages to be transmitted to other community members.

The colorful stickers encourage taggers to find good secret hiding spots. The element of surprise combined with the spirit of competition makes Beam a community experience where anyone can brighten someone’s day.

 Project Pitch

 Ideation Sketches

 Initial Prototyping

 Brooch Function Concepts


Gium Punk Stuffed Animal


Aquarium Hotline